Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 3

Preschool Class: The Treasure in the Field

What a great morning we had today! The children were all so happy and
excited to learn.

The two songs we have been learning this past few weeks are "Jesus made my
fingers" and "My God is so Big". The children are getting to know these
songs well and I'm sure they would love to sing them for you! We also have
Brother Josh coming in each week to play the guitar for us.

Today's lesson was about what a treasure Jesus is and how we must make sure
we have Jesus more than any other treasure. We told the story of the man
who found the treasure in the field. He hid the treasure and then sold all
that he had to buy the field. We told the story with small figurines and
the children were SO excited to find treasure hidden under the sand!

For our activity we made little treasure boxes to remind us that Jesus is
the greatest treasure.

Our memory verse continues for this week and is:
'Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost' Luke 19:10

Please continue to encourage you children to memorise this verse.
Girls Class: God gave you a very special gift / God offers the most precious gift.
Memory verse: 'Every good and every perfect gift comes from above' James 1:17
This week was a wonderful opportunity for us to talk about salvation with the girls. God has given us the opportunity to experience the new birth. We were able to discuss what this means and have a special time of prayer with the girls. What a beautiful thing to see tears in the eyes of some of the girls as they spoke to Jesus from their hearts!
Things you can talk about with your girls:
Talk about some of the gifts that God has given your daughter. Emphasise the preciousness of her gift of purity, which comes from a pure and holy God. Discuss ways she can protect that purity. As you feel comfortable and as your daughter is old enough, share your own experiences with the gift God gave you. Help her to see that she has a choice in what she will do with God’s
gift. As she matures, this might also be an opportunity to discuss the blessings of marriage and the blessings of serving God as a single woman – that each is a gift from God.
For additions study: Philippians 4:8, 1 John 3:2-3
Boys Class: Protecting Your Purity
Memory Verse: 'Keep your heart with all diligence' Proverbs 4:23
When we give our lives to Jesus and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, we become a temple for
God (1 Corinthians 3:16). We need to protect our heart so that we do not lose that wonderful gift that God has given us. Talk with your son about the different ways that you guard your heart. For example we chose not to watch certain movies or use certain words that others use! Read Proverbs 7:1-5

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