Listening for God's voice.
Start by telling the children the story about Samuel when he was a boy(1 Samuel chapter 3). Explain how he and Eli were sleeping and God kept on calling Samuel's name. Samuel thought it was Eli, so went in to him to ask what he wanted. On the third time this happened, Eli told Samuel to say 'Speak Lord, your servant hears'. Explain how important it is to listen for God's voice.
Think about your living room, describe what you see. Point out how each person in your family may describe different things. God wants us to know what His living room (throne room) looks like so that we will feel welcome there. Read Revelation 4 and talk about what God's throne room looks like. You could even ask your children to draw a picture of what they think God's throne room looks like as you read Revelation 4.
Spend some time in prayer together as a family. Explain to your children that for a few minutes you are all going to be quiet and just listen to what God might say to you. Give you child a blank piece of paper and a pencil. Encourage them to write or draw what God tells them.
~'An HOur Of Kids Prayer' by Lyn St John~
This activity was done at the recent Sunday School camp. It was amazing and beautiful to see what the children wrote and drew!
No give-away this week, but if you complete this devotion please let us know how it went or send in a photo or scanned picture by your child!
The winner of last week's Family Devotion Give-Away will be announced here on the blog tomorrow :) Photos will be posted soon!!!
Have a blessed week everyone!
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