Family devotions will begin again next week, so this post is just to 'touch base' and give a few reminders of things which are happening.
Term 4 classes are continuing on in their programs. You may like to check the class blogs every now and then on the side bar to see what lesson are being taught!
On Saturday the 7th of November, we are holding a fundraising Walkathon around Lake Tuggeranong. Please see your child's class teacher for more information or for a sponsorship form. We are aiming very high - $1,000!
All children will be supervised for this activity, but parents are most welcome to join in the fun. A free sausage sizzle will also be held after the walkathon.
Our end of year celebration will be taking a different form this year. We are planning a Family Fun Day on Sunday the 13th of December. This will be held at church from 12:30pm - 2:30 pm and will include games, different stalls, sausage sizzle, devonshire tea, etc. The aim is to enjoy each other in celebration of the year (there will be several displays on what has been happening in Sunday School this year). We also hope to use this as an outreach to the community, to your children's friends and families - as well as a fundraiser for the Sunday School department. If you would like to assist in this day in any way, please see myself ass soon as possible.
The UPCA General Conference is held in Melbourne in January 2010. We will be having a special guest speaker for Children's Church during the Conference. Sister Wehlage is experienced in Children's Ministry and specialises in puppetry.
We appreciate all of your support and prayers for our Children's Ministry at Calvary Chapel.
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